EU Climate Tech Manifesto

Demands of the climate tech ecosystem for European policymakers
Europe is at a crossroads: the continent’s economic strength and resilience have been increasingly challenged in recent years. The European Union (EU) must now come up with a clear strategy and smart measures to respond to these challenges. Smart economic policies, market-oriented mechanisms and strategic investments in climate technologies are the key to new economic growth, but also crucial for securing a sustainable future.
The 2024 European elections will take place from June 6-9 and the political priorities will be readjusted. The climate tech sector, driven by innovation and entrepreneurship, acts as an engine for new, climate-friendly growth and job creation. In addition, their technologies reduce energy costs and secure the future prosperity of the European economy.
To make a long story short: Support for climate technologies should be a key issue in the EU elections and in the coming legislature. As Tech for Net Zero, we formulate concrete demands and proposals for action for European policy with our EU Climate Tech Manifesto.

„With its strong research and talented founders, Europe is destined to be the global leader in developing breakthrough climate technologies and thus gaining new economic strength and sovereignty. The next five years are crucial for this, the EU must finally deliver and address the lack of climate tech funding as well as provide suitable framework conditions. As Tech for Net Zero, we support policymakers to jointly develop solutions with the climate tech ecosystem.”
Dr. Tobias Lechtenfeld, Executive Director of Tech for Net Zero
EU Climate Tech Manifesto for the 2024 European elections