Articles & Publications
Green Public Procurement
Learn more: Green Public ProcurementPolicy paper: “Green Public Procurement – Stimulating climate-neutral demand for a competitive EU net zero economy: A case study of Germany” The public sector awards contracts worth around 500 billion euros a year in Germany alone – equivalent to around 13% of gross domestic product. Such massive purchasing power can be leveraged to reduce greenhouse…
A venture capital analysis of climate technology startup financing to 2030
Learn more: A venture capital analysis of climate technology startup financing to 2030The report, “Investing in Net Zero – A Venture Capital Analysis for Financing Climate Technology Startups to 2030,” highlights the investment opportunities for building and developing new climate technology startups that could deliver impactful technologies across all sectors of the economy in Germany. The analysis draws on detailed market forecasts to identify opportunities for climate…
Innovation policy for climate neutrality
Learn more: Innovation policy for climate neutralityBrief analysis of election programs for the 2021 federal election Germany’s climate protection targets are playing an important role in this year’s federal election. The upcoming federal government faces major challenges to restructure the economy and promote climate-neutral technologies as an added value for climate protection. Within this framework, innovations and climate tech startups are…